New WIPs and a hard lesson learnt

The lesson first: If you have to go to your doctor’s office for an early morning appointment and hang around for a couple of hours – don’t bring knitting that requires any kind of concentration. I brought my newly started Hedera socks and nearly fell asleep several times. When I came home, I noticed that I’d forgotten several yos and had to rip back several rows to fix all of the mistakes. The sock’s looking good, though:

Hedera WIP

This picture shows my latest tip for managing a pattern. I hate having to bring along a book or a printout, so I make a chart or cut out the relevant bits, and pack them in as small a plastic sleeve as I can get it into. The plastic sleeves I use are slightly heavier-duty than a normal sheet protector, so they don’t get crumpled or torn in my knitting bag.

My other new WIP is a pinafore dress (US: jumper) for my daughter.

babypinaforedress WIP

This pattern is from the new book Strikk til nøstebarn, and as you can see, I’ve made a copy, marked the relevant size and put it in a plastic sleeve. If more proof were needed that I am slightly nerdy, I think my delight in this new organising trick would do 😉

I’m knitting the 6 month size, for which the pattern calls for 80 grams of Nøstebarn silkeull. I only have 75 grams, so I made the bottom garter stitch border in some leftovers from the moderne baby blanket, which is the same weight but pure wool.

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